The Danish Dairy Research Foundation

The Danish Dairy Research Foundation (DDRF) supports applied dairy research and initiates and coordinates basic research, closely interacting with the dairy industry, universities, hospitals, and suppliers.

By: Grith Mortensen 

The projects are pre-competitive in nature and support research-based innovation at the dairies.

The Danish Dairy Research Foundation is a non-commercial foundation administered by the Danish Agriculture Food Council and the Danish Dairy Board.

Since the Foundation was established in 1990, the dairy sector, associated partners and other funding bodies have invested a total of 1 billion DKK into research at the universities and university hospitals via the Danish Dairy Research Foundation.


The Danish Dairy Research Foundation annually initiates research projects supported by funding totaling around 12-14 million DKK. This is done partly through the foundation’s own funds and partly through applications submitted to the Milk Levy Fund and the Dairy Rationalization Fund.

A typical project will receive funding of 1-3 million DKK and generally runs for 1-5 years. The Danish Dairy Research Foundation finances up to 50% of a project, with the remainder provided by the applicant through external, public or private grants, contributions from participating businesses, and/or research institutions.

The research focus of the Danish Dairy Research Foundation

The research initiatives focus on the following three strategic core areas:

  • Health & Nutrition
  • Food Safety
  • Technology

Interdisciplinary research activities are carried out in collaboration between the Danish Dairy Research Foundation, universities, hospitals, Advanced Technology Groups, relevant dairy partners and other industries. The DDRF welcomes international cooperation and plays a significant role in maintaining international networks and collaborative relationships.

Current focus areas and selection criteria are outlined in the call for expressions of interest. It is important that the projects are high-level research initiatives with clear objectives and relevance to the dairy sector.

‘Strategy 2026 – A knowledge-based and sustainable dairy industry sets out the focus areas for the pre-competitive research to be conducted by the dairies up to 2026. For more information about The Danish Dairy Research Foundation and its strategic core areas, this strategy is a good starting point.

An important role in research-based training and education

In addition to supporting dairy research, the foundation aims to secure relevant, research-based training and education of future candidates, including dairy engineers, as well as PhDs and postdocs of relevance to the dairy industry.

The dairy industry is confident that a strong and dynamic dairy research environment will foster strong candidate, PhD and postdoc programmes, which will remain attractive to young people and secure the recruitment basis for the sector.


The board consists of 12 members and 1 observer from the dairy industry and the Danish universities.

The board establishes the foundation’s strategic objectives, which are reflected in its strategy and the annual call for expressions of interest.

The secretariat – in close cooperation with the researchers – ensures effective implementation of the supported projects and the communication of results to the relevant stakeholders.

The board consists of:

– VP Research & Innovation Niels Østergaard, Arla Foods Ingredients (Chair)
– CEO Henrik Damholt Jørgensen, Danish Dairy Board
– Senior Executive R&D Advisor Henrik J. Andersen, Arla Foods amba
– Senior Innovation Manager Simon Metz Mariendal Pedersen, Arla Foods amba
– Former CEO Poul J. Pedersen, Thise Mejeri amba
– Operations Engineer Peter Staunsbæk, Mammen Mejerierne A/S
– Senior Site Director Klaus Jeppesen, Arla Foods amba
– Head of Department Charlotte Lauridsen, Department of Animal and Veterinary Science, Aarhus University
– Head of Department Anna Haldrup, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen
– Professor Peter Ruhdal Jensen, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark
– Head of Department Lars Porskjær Christensen, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark
– Head of Department Birgit Nørrung, Department of Veterinary and Animal Science, University of Copenhagen


– Director - cattle production, Ida M. L. D. Storm, Danish Agriculture & Food Council