Expression of interest
The Danish Dairy Research Foundation usually convenes an 'Expression of interest' once a year. The next deadline is expected to be in November/December 2024.
Usually, the deadline for submission of expression of interests is in late November/start December. The call is announced on the website and via email to all interested parties. Please contact the secretariat if you are interested in receiving the call by email when it is announced.
The board of directors reviews the received expression of interests, and the applicants usually receive the response from the board 2-3 months after the applications deadline has expired.
The next deadline is expected to be in November/December 2024. Click here for the latest call: ENGLISH description of application procedures, focus areas as well as the application forms - ENGLISH part 1, ENGLISH part 2, and ENGLISH PART 3.
Project guide
The DDRF has prepared a project guide, which provides answers on how to best run a DDRF-project. The most recent guide can be found below:
Projects initiated under DDRF in the previous round
In order to give an idea of the kind of projects that the DDRF board has financed earlier, a list of the scientifically prioritized projects can be found below.
In January 2023 the DDRF board evaluated 25 expressions of interest, and the following projects were prioritized:
Claus Heiner Bang-Berthelsen, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark: Sustainable and tasty cheese by combining dairy and plant ingredients (SusCheese)
Aim: To transfer the success of butter spreads to the cheese production, by creating the scientific foundation for the development of tasty cheese-like products – based on both dairy and plant ingredients.
Mario M Martinez, Department of Food Science, Aarhus University: Extrusion of dairy proteins into novel anisotropic foods (STRING)
Aim: To develop novel food structures with very different textural behaviors and food prototypes with a broad range of textures from a thermoplastic mass consisting of dairy proteins and plant polysaccharides.
Lisbeth Trulstrup Hansen, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark: Methodology to track and solve microbial issues in dairies (TrackNSolve)
Aim: To develop a diagnostic methodology that enables the industry to rapidly identify, detect, and mitigate microbial issues.
Henrik Munch Roager, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen: Yoghurt to alter gut movements and brain function (YourGutBrain)
Aim: To investigate whether intake of fermented dairy products in comparison with non-fermented dairy products increases weekly bowel movements and concordantly improves cognitive performance.
Lea Sletting Jakobsen, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark: Dairy’s role in a diet optimal for sustainability and health (DROSH)
Aim: To develop and apply a calculation model that can identify combinations of foods, including dairy products, that minimizes environmental impact and maximizes public health in both Denmark and The Netherlands.
Mark Manary, Project Peanut Butter: Fortified milk powder cures acute malnutrition Aim: To better match treatment of dietary deficiencies by combining powdered milk and micronutrients into a fortified milk powder, and to test its efficacy in both severe and moderate acute malnutrition in children.
Esben Skipper Sørensen, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University: Milk proteins as mineral carriers to mitigate inflammation (Promise)
Aim: To test the hypothesis that α-lactalbumin and osteopontin can deliver essential minerals to intestinal cells and mitigate or prevent development of gut inflammatory processes, or even mitigate ongoing gut inflammation.
Jette Jakobsen, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark: Bioavailability of micronutrients in dairy/plants (BioMicro)
Aim: To provide valid information on how the bioavailability of selected vitamins and minerals depends on the food matrix with a focus on differences between dairy products and plant-based alternatives, and furthermore to investigate the effect of vitamin K vitamers on the development of atherosclerosis.