Expression of interest
The Danish Dairy Research Foundation usually issues a call for 'Expressions of interest' once a year. The next deadline is on Thursday 28 November 2024.
The annual call from the Danish Dairy Research Foundation is now live!
The next deadline is Thursday 28 November 2024 at 23:59. Click here for the latest call ENGLISH description of application procedures, focus areas and the application forms - ENGLISH part 1, ENGLISH part 2, and ENGLISH PART 3.
The board of directors reviews the submitted expressions of interests, and the applicants will be notified of the result in February 2025.
Project guide
The DDRF has prepared a project guide, which provides answers on how to best run a DDRF-project. The most recent guide can be found below:
Projects initiated under DDRF in the previous round
In order to give an idea of the kind of projects that the DDRF board has financed earlier, a list of the scientifically prioritized projects can be found below.
In January 2024 the DDRF board evaluated 19 expressions of interest, and the following projects were prioritized:
Mads Norvin Thomsen, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital: CUT-DM Follow-up Cut down on carbs in the diabetes diet – Follow-up
The aim is to demonstrate whether trial participants can maintain the achieved results from the Meal Box Study and uncover the differences in the effects between a carbohydrate-reduced high-protein diet and a conventional diabetes diet. The follow-up period will be one year, and participants will buy and prepare their own food during this period. Both groups will receive ongoing dietary guidance.
Hanne C. Bertram, Department of Food Science, Aarhus University: Role of dairy proteins in bone health (PROBONE)
The aim is to show that inclusion of milk proteins in a plant-based diet with a low content of protein and calcium can facilitate bone mineralization and thereby improve bone health.
Ping-Ping Jiang, Department of Veterinary and Animal Science, University of Copenhagen: MFGMpre: Bovine milk fat globule membrane for preterm neonates
The aim is to provide preclinical evidence of potential benefits of a bovine milkfat globule membrane ingredient supplemented to donor human milk for development of the gut and brain in preterm pigs.
Giovanni Barone, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen: Influence of mineral interactions on curd properties
The aim is to generate new insights on the influence of calcium speciation on cheese-making and, thus, on curd functionality and structure.
Thomas Vosegaard, iNANO, Aarhus University: Sensors for monitoring the state of water and fat along the dairy process line
The aim is to enable monitoring the state of water and fat in dairy production sites with low-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance sensors that may be installed in dairy factories. Such sensors make it possible to control the content and state of water and fat in dairy process lines.
Ulla Kidmose, Department of Food Science, Aarhus University: Healthy Ageing: Elderly’s perception of dairy products
The aim is to obtain insight into the impact of sensory cues and cognitive barriers among Danish healthy elderly (65-75 years old) for consumption of protein dairy products and how it is linked to their texture preference, life quality and well-being.
Milena Corredig, Department of Food Science, Aarhus University: DYNAMO: Mastering micro-dynamics in multiphase dairy system
The aim is to better understand the role played by fat droplets in structure formation and the interplay with the matrix utilizing whipped cream-based model systems.
Milena Corredig, Department of Food Science, Aarhus University: Q forCAS: Quest for casein structure – the importance of calcium and phosphate nanoclusters to the structure and function of casein micelles
The aim is to combine the advanced structural analyses developed in previous studies and use them as complementary techniques to study in depth the native and modified structure of the casein micelle, to create a robust understanding of the internal structure of the casein micelle structure.